There are a number of different consents and approvals required under the Resource Management Act. In this section you will find copies of the applications for designations and consents that were sought.

SectionTitleDownload description
Resource Consent Form Applications for resource consents sought by the NZ Transport Agency PDF [PDF, 1 MB]
NoR1 Notice of Requirement by the NZ Transport Agency to alter the existing designation for State highway 1 (Main South Road) within the Selwyn District Plan PDF [PDF, 913 KB]
NoR2 Notice of Requirement by the NZ Transport Agency for a new State highway designation for CSM2 within the Selwyn District Plan PDF [PDF, 904 KB]
NoR3 Notice of Requirement by the NZ Transport Agency for a new State highway designation for CSM2 within the Christchurch City Plan PDF [PDF, 907 KB]