
Displaying 1 - 10 results of 22 for ""

Mirrors on state highways information and application form

Category: Road user safety , State highways , Factsheets , Forms | Audience: General

For getting approval to place a mirror alongside a state highway if you’re coming out of a driveway and need to see what’s coming from a certain direction.

Rural valuation check sheet

Category: State highways , Forms | Audiences: Road controlling authorities, Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

This check list is to be used primarily by Acquisition Agents/ Consultants and Disposal Agents/ Consultants and forms part of the NZ transport Agency Valuation Review Process.

Residential property valuation report template

Category: State highways , Forms | Audiences: Road controlling authorities, Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

Residential Property Report Template – Disposal Valuation under the Public Works Act 1981.

Section 18 notice approval

Category: State highways , Forms | Audiences: Road controlling authorities, Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

To seek approval to serve Notices of Desire under Section 18 of the Public Works Act 1981 to acquire land from the owner(s).