From time to time our organisation is reviewed to make sure it is performing as well as possible.
Along with other government agencies, we have been assessed using the Performance Improvement Framework (PIF). The PIF is a government initiative, managed through the State Services Commission (SSC), designed to help agencies identify their strengths and areas for improvement. It’s based on leading international private and public sector performance improvement models.
We also participate in Better Administrative Support Services (BASS) – an across-government annual performance benchmarking of six core administrative and support functions:
BASS results provide information on the cost, efficiency and effectiveness of these core functions. For the NZ Transport Agency, the BASS benchmarking process helps us in our drive to deliver value for money in all we do.
Read BASS results on the New Zealand Treasury website(external link)
Read our BASS results for 2014/15 [XLS, 1.1 MB]