Driver Check is a free service that helps companies make sure they only have appropriately-licensed drivers driving their company vehicles. It's a safe and secure website set up by Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency.
Companies can use Driver Check to check the driver licence status for their drivers. If a driver licence status changes, Driver Check automatically lets the company know.
The New Zealand Police can impound any vehicle being driven by someone who's disqualified or suspended from driving, or doesn't have a valid driver licence. That means they can stop your driver on the road and call for a tow truck to take the vehicle away to a storage facility. The vehicle will stay at the storage facility for 28 days, and then you’ll have to pay the towing and storage fees before you can get it back. Driver Check is a free service.
Driver Check helps companies avoid having their vehicles impounded by making sure they only have appropriately-licensed drivers driving their vehicles.
More information about roadside vehicle impoundment
More information about driver licensing
Your company must get signed consent (agreement) from your drivers before you can access their driver licence details in Driver Check. You must meet the requirements in the Privacy Act 2020 and other relevant laws when you collect, disclose and use personal information.
Applying to use Driver Check (the application pack) explains more about your privacy responsibilities and includes the consent form you should use to get your drivers’ consent.
Download Applying to use Driver Check
Read the Driver Check terms and conditions
If your company would like to use Driver Check, it needs to become a registered user.
Find out how to register for Driver Check