Competency-based training and assessment gives you an option to have your riding skills assessed by an approved assessor instead of taking the practical riding test. This page contains all you need to know about CBTA.
Instead of taking a practical test at the restricted and full stages of your licence, you can choose to have your riding skills assessed by an approved CBTA assessor.
Although training isn't compulsory, we recommend you complete training before attempting the assessment ride. This will ensure that you have the necessary riding skills and you're fully prepared to do the assessment.
The assessments are designed to ensure you're competent in a prescribed range of riding skills, which are important to keep you safe when riding on our roads.
If you choose the CBTA option:
it can reduce the time it takes you to gain your restricted and/or full motorcycle licence – completing the CBTA course is the only way you can reduce the required minimum time during the learner and restricted licence stages
it improves your riding skill levels by targeting high-risk riding behaviours, which allows for a safer road system for you and other road users
If you choose to do your training through an approved CBTA assessor, you'll get feedback on your riding skills and tips on how to ride smarter and safer. These improvements will help prepare you for the CBTA assessment, and help you make smarter choices on the road.
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You can do your training with any qualified motorcycle riding instructor. All approved CBTA assessors are qualified motorcycle instructors and are able to tailor training to suit you.
There are also government-subsidised and tailored training courses available through the Ride Forever National Training Programme. Ride Forever courses provide extensive on-road training. The core competencies covered are based on the skills required for the assessments. The courses are available throughout New Zealand.
Contact Ride Forever about doing a course(external link)
You can start training for either stage at any time after getting your learner or restricted licence, so you're fully prepared to undertake the assessment. Once you're satisfied that you're competent in the skills required for the assessment, you can book and undertake the assessment ride.
CBTA uses the knowledge and experience of industry based assessors who have been approved by Waka Kotahi to train and assess motorcyclists riding skills.
Once you have your learner licence, you can sit your assessment ride for CBTA 6R as soon as you feel you’re ready to.
When you've successfully completed the assessment, the assessor will give you a Waka Kotahi CBTA 6R certificate. You can then apply for your restricted motorcycle licence at any time (provided you're at least 16½ years old).
Find out how to apply for your restricted licence
You can sit the CBTA 6F assessment once you've held your restricted licence for at least 9 months.
When you've successfully completed the assessment, the assessor will give you a Waka Kotahi CBTA 6F certificate. You can apply for a full motorcycle licence when you've held your restricted licence for at least 12 months (provided you're at least 17½ years old).
Find out how to apply for your full licence
When you’re ready to sit your assessment, contact one of the assessors listed below to book in for your assessment appointment.
You must present a current driver licence to the course provider when you do a CBTA assessment. If the expiry date of your motorcycle licence has been extended but doesn’t show on your licence card, you’ll need to get a replacement driver licence with the new expiry date or call us on 0800 822 422 to arrange for a temporary licence to be issued for the day of the assessment.
More information about the changes to learner and restricted driver licence expiry dates
The new licence or temporary licence will take a few days to get to you in the post, so you need to take this into account when booking the date for your CBTA assessment ride.
Getting to know your motorcycle licence or CBTA brochure [PDF, 763 KB]
Approved motorcycle CBTA course providers / Taranaki | |
Caron Bedwell
Ian Lanfear
133 Powderham Street |
Lance Munroe
New Plymouth