If your overseas driver licence or permit isn't in English you will also need an accurate English translation.
If your overseas driver licence or permit isn't in English you must provide an accurate English translation when you are driving and when you want to convert your overseas licence to a New Zealand licence. The translation must be provided by:
The following documents may also be acceptable as a translation:
Freephone: 0800 009 003
Mobile: 022 096 2125
Phone: 04 973 8377
Mobile: 021 158 7933
Phone: 04 298 4564
Mobile: 021 154 1975
Mobile: 021 527746
Mobile: 021 178 3189
Mobile: 021 127 0367
Mobile: 0210 262 3919
Mobile: 028 431 1640
Website: www.priorgroup.com
Phone: 021 0515937
Freephone: 0800 872 675
Mobile: 022 126 7558
Freephone: 0800 000 339
Mobile: 021 056 3918
Mobile: 021 325 520
Approved translators
Approved translators
Email: info@globaltranslations.co.nz
Website: www.1hourglobaltranslations.co.nz
All language translations
All Spanish Translation Services
47 Sunbrae Drive, Silverstream, Upper Hutt, PO Box 48200, Upper Hutt 5142
Email: cecilia@allspanish.co.nz
Indonesian Translation New Zealand Ltd
35 Toru Road, Paraparaumu Beach, Paraparaumu 5032
Ian Forbes
Email: indtnz@gmail.com
Indonesian translations only, New Zealand-wide
Love Language Ltd
5 Essex Street
Aro Valley
Wellington 6021
Email: info@lovelanguage.co.nz
German and French translations
MA Linguistic Solutions
Patricia Amengual
Email: pmarielaamengual@gmail.com
Spanish Translations only
Mandy Hewett Translation
Mandy Hewett
Email: mandy@mandyhewett-translation.com
Website: mandyhewett-translation.com
French or Italian to English - New Zealand wide
Maria Belen Nunez
59 Awarua Street, Ngaio, Wellington, 6035
Email: tp.belen.nunez@gmail.com
Website: www.linkedin.com/in/mbnunez/
Spanish translations only.
Email: nztlsltd@gmail.com
Chinese translations only
Prior Group Limited
Olga Suvorova
Russian translations only
Tauranga Translation Services
Email: info@taurangatranslations.com
Website: www.taurangatranslations.com
The Translation Service
Department of Internal Affairs, National Library, Lower Ground Level, 70 Molesworth Street, Wellington CBD, PO Box 805, Wellington
Email: translate@dia.govt.nz
Website: www.translate.govt.nz
Tomlex Translation
6 Raiputana Way
Esther Hay
Wellington 6035
Email: esther@tomlex.co.nz
Website: tomlex.co.nz
Dutch translations only
Transnational NZ Ltd
Level 6, 1 Willis Street
Wellington CBD
(Go to the 'Regus' reception desk)
Email: enquiries@transnational-ltd.co.nz
Website: www.transnational-ltd.co.nz
All languages
Tranzearly Ltd
1002/212 Willis Street
Karl Wilson
Te Aro
Email: info@tranzearly.com
Website: tranzearly.com