While many highways have reopened since yesterday’s peak of the storm, in Otago and South and Mid Canterbury ice has replaced flood water on many routes. Drivers need to take extreme care. Grit has been applied in many places which also requires slower speeds, says Nic Rodger, Maintenance Contract Manager, NZ Transport Agency.
Debris, potholes and broken road edges also require drivers to slow down and treat all areas with caution.
Many families will be returning home from school holiday breaks, so the Transport Agency encourages everyone to take care, accept the journey may take longer, and arrive home safely.
Akaroa to Christchurch highway reopens
The highway between Akaroa and Christchurch, SH75, reopened earlier today, Sunday, but drivers need to expect a slower than usual journey with debris on the road in places.
South and mid Canterbury
There is ice, black ice and some flooding on the highways of south and mid Canterbury so drivers need to take care particularly on bridges and in shady spots. Crews are gritting.
SH1 south of Dunedin
This route is now fully open.
SH1 Dunedin to Christchurch – detour is getting much shorter
State Highway 1 south of Christchurch has had a lengthy Rakaia Gorge/ Darfield detour in place (SH77 and SH73) between Rolleston and Rakaia, but crews have made a shorter detour at Bankside. Drivers should follow signs on the highway around these flooded river areas.
Maia to Roseneath, part of the Port Chalmers to Dunedin highway SH88, two slips closing road
Access between Maia and Roseneath on the Port Chalmers highway (SH88) is closed due to two slips – one at Roseneath and a larger one at Maia. Currently crews are assessing whether there is a detour route for residents as there are slips on access roads.
Crews are working on these slips and hope to reopen the road by the end of the day.
- People inside the closure area, Maia to Roseneath, can use SH88 to move between the two slip sites.
- Port Chalmers residents can use Blueskin Rd and Mt Cargill Rd to get in and out of the city.

Photos of Roseneath to Maia slips
State Highway 8 Raes Junction to Milton remains closed
Six slips between Lawrence and the Manuka Gorge on SH8 mean that this highway remains closed. The Transport Agency will update this route on the web link(external link) as soon as we have more information.
Please check highway status at this web site(external link): www.nzta.govt.nz/traffic(external link)
State Highway 85 Kyeburn to Palmerston – snow has closed highway
This highway has snow and ice with some vehicles stuck at present. This is being cleared with an update by midday today(external link).
SH1 south of Kaikoura is open but drivers should expect delays as there is controlled access between Peketa and Goose Bay. Open till 6pm.
- Inland Route 70 via Waiau – closed, next update 12 noon. Safety barriers are being installed at Conway Bluffs to prevent further rock falls. Access to Mt Lyford is open via Waiau and the Skifield at Mt Lyford is open today.
NZTA South Island Facebook page posts(external link)
For Otago updates, please go to the Civil Defence and Emergency management page here(external link) or their Facebook page(external link)
Dunedin City Council’s flooding updates here(external link) and on Facebook(external link)
Christchurch City Council Civil Defence Facebook
CCC Newsline(external link)
Selwyn District Council Facebook (external link)
State Highways: Warnings and closures
Canterbury (Including Alpine / Mountain Passes) as at 10.00 am today:
- Inland Route 70 Waiau to Kaikoura. ROAD CLOSED - Access to Mt Lyford is still available via Waiau. Next update 12pm Sunday 23 July.
- SH1 Rolleston to Rakaia - Flooding - ROAD CLOSED. Detour route for Northbound, use SH77 from Ashburton to Darfield and then use SH73 from Darfield to Christchurch. Southbound in reverse
- SH75 Halswell to Akaroa - Flooding- Road is now OPEN. Road users are advised to expect delays in the area due to surface flooding and crews cleaning debris.
- SH1 Glenavy to Salisbury - Flooding - Road users are advised to take extra care
- SH1 Waipara – SH7 Junction to Woodend - Road Hazard-Due to flooding, there are lane closures and a 30kph temporary speed restriction in place near the intersection with Broad Road. Road users are advised to take extra care.
- SH77 Ashburton to Methven - Flooding - Road is now open. Road users are advised to take extra care
- SH1 Rakaia to Ashburton - Flooding- Road is OPEN. Road users are advised to avoid unnecessary travel and to take extra care
- SH82 Waimate to Kurow - Flooding - Road is now open. Road users are advised to take extra care
- SH79 Fairlie to Geraldine - Flooding - The road is down to one lane in multiple areas. Road users are advised to take extra care
- SH1 Ashburton to Washdyke - Flooding - Road users are advised to avoid unnecessary travel and to take extra care
West Coast
- SH7 Maruia - Slip - Road is now open - expect delays for slip clearance
- UPDATED: SH 1 Pukeuri To Waitaki Bridge - Flooding - The road is now OPEN in both directions.
- SH88 Maia to Sawyers Bay - Flooding - ROAD CLOSED – Detour in place. Use Upper Junction Road, please note this detour is only suitable for light vehicles.
- SH87 Kokonga to Kyeburn – Flooding - ROAD CLOSED
- SH85 Kyeburn to Palmerston - Snow – ROAD CLOSED
- SH8 Raes Junction to Milton - Flooding - ROAD CLOSED
- SH1 Waipahi to Balclutha - Ice - Road users are advised to take extra care
- SH86 Momona to Allanton - Ice - Road users are advised to take extra care
- SH90 Waikoikoi to Tapanui - Ice - Road users are advised to take extra care
- SH 87 Mosgiel To Outram - Ice - Road users are advised to take extra care
- SH1 Pukeuri to Waikouaiti - Ice - Road users are advised to take care
- SH1 Balclutha to Milton - Ice - Road is now open. There is a temporary speed restriction of 50km/h in place near the intersection with Moneymore Road. Road users are advised to take extra care
- SH90 Mcnab to Waikoikoi - Ice - Road users are advised to take extra care
- SH90 Tapanui to Raes Junction - Ice - Road users are advised to take extra care
- SH 83 Pukeuri To Omarama - Ice - The road is now open in both directions. Road users are advised to take extra care
- SH87 Kokonga to Outram - Flooding – Road is OPEN - Road users are advised to take extra care
- SH8 Roxburgh to Raes Junction - Flooding - ROAD is OPEN
- SH 1 East Taieri To Clarksville - Flooding
- SH 8 Raes Junction To Alexandra – Flooding
- Omakau to Kyeburn – Flooding – Road users are advised to take extra care
- SH1 Mosgiel to Milton – Slip- Due to slip clearing works just south of the Waihola township, there is a stop/go traffic management in place with a 30km/h temporary speed limit. Road users are advised to stop on request
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