Tākaka Hill night-time travellers have an extra night of hill closure Friday night (tomorrow), 14 October, says Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency. The highway will be closed 8pm Friday to 5.30am Saturday.
The road will be opened at 1am for traffic queued at the two road closure points: Aaron Creek Road and Riwaka Valley Road. Road users who wish to travel over Tākaka Hill at the 1am opening must be at the closure points by 12.30 am.
Temporary speed restrictions will be in place, and traffic management staff will control traffic.
Emergency vehicles will be accommodated throughout these closures.
The hill route, SH60, has been closed Sunday nights to Thursday nights (five nights a week) since 2 October for summer road resurfacing/ asphalting and maintenance. This work continues to Thursday 20 October.
The Friday night/ Saturday morning additional closure is needed to make up for the recent bout of wet and snow-affected nights when the surfacing work could not be completed as planned, says Waka Kotahi.
The plan is still to complete this work before Labour Weekend in a week’s time.
Waka Kotahi thanks all Golden Bay/ Mohua travellers for their patience while crews get this work done before Labour Weekend.
State Highway 60 Tākaka Hill, from Riwaka Valley Road to Aaron Creek Road, Upper Tākaka.