Following a wide range of feedback about the preferred design of the balustrade on the Orakei Basin section of the Glen Innes to Tamaki Shared Path, the NZ Transport Agency is asking for further public input.
The Transport Agency’s Director of Regional Relationships Steve Mutton says there were 453 submissions received during the recent community engagement held jointly with Auckland Transport.
“We received a strong message from the community that they believe a 1.2 metre high balustrade is appropriate for this section of boardwalk and we are pleased we will now be able to build this. However the feedback shows there is a wide range of views about the design and materials of the balustrade.”
Some people are keen to see the most ‘see through’ option possible, and this lends well to a metal design. Others are keen for an entirely wooden design that is more in keeping with other boardwalks in the area.
“This is an important community asset and will be one of the most picturesque shared paths in the country so we’re working hard to try to meet the wide ranging expectations people have about what is most appropriate in this area.”
“To ensure we have the best understanding and incorporate the views of the community, we are asking again for people to have their say – this time with a simple vote between a mostly metal design and an entirely wooden design. The Transport Agency will then make a final decision on the balustrade design by 21 December.”
Option A : A mostly metal balustrade
Option B : An entirely wooden balustrade
“Once the final decision on the balustrade design is made, we will accelerate the manufacture and installation of the new balustrade on both sides of the boardwalk.”
“In the meantime, we will continue to install the new decking on the boardwalk so we can open the full width of the path for public use as soon as possible. We will finish installation of the new metal handrail on the seaward side to make this safe while the new balustrade is manufactured. The existing wooden handrail will remain in place to ensure public safety until the new balustrade is ready.”
At the public open days, the community also provided feedback on the planned design of Section 2 of the shared path to Tamaki Drive.
“The feedback received was very good and we’re working through it. We plan to come back to the community with a report about this early next year,” says Mr Mutton.
To have your final say on the balustrade design, visit: link)
Feedback opens on 28 November and closes on 9 December.
The Transport Agency thanks the community for their further time and feedback as we work to ensure that we get the best possible solution for the community.