Motorists travelling between Waihi and Tairua to be detoured through Whangamata from next week


Motorists travelling between Waihi and Tairua on State Highway 25 (SH25) will be detoured through Whangamata from next week, while contractors repair a bridge.

The Moana Anu Anu River bridge (also known as the Wentworth bridge) near the intersection of Tairua Road and Port Road, will be closed to all traffic from 6am on Monday February 9 until 5pm Friday March 13.

The NZ Transport Agency says the closure includes pedestrian and cyclist traffic as contractors will be re-piling the bridge and building a new deck.

The detour, via Hetherington Road and Port Road through Whangamata will add around five minutes to journey time.

The Transport Agency thanks motorists for their patience and understanding while the work is underway.


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Moana Anu Anu River bridge (also known as the Wentworth bridge).


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For more information please contact:

Natalie Dixon
Waikato / Bay of Plenty Media Manager

T: 07 928 7908
M: 021 928 413
