A new busway station is to be built at Rosedale on the North Shore providing a major boost to public transport in Auckland.
Resource consent for the facility has been granted by Auckland Council, following a decision by two independent commissioners.
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency Senior Manager Project Delivery Andrew Thackwray, says the new station will tie in with work underway to extend the Northern Busway to Albany.
“This new station will really transform the way people work, travel and play in the Rosedale community. It will enable people to continue to use the busway as the city grows north.”
The $70M project includes a new station and split level plaza at Arrenway Drive with a drop off area and a small number of mobility parking spaces. This is similar to Smales Farm and Akoranga stations but does not include a park and ride facility.
Rosedale Road will be widened to four lanes between Triton and Tawa Drives to include bus lanes. Bus stops will be installed on Rosedale Road for new feeder buses and routes planned from the East Coast Bays area. Extensive walking and cycling paths and lifts will also feature so people can safely enter the station.
Auckland Transport Portfolio Delivery Director David Nelson, says the station had always been planned to help address congestion in the busy industrial area.
“This opens up options for more people to use public transport to travel around the North Shore and into the city centre. It will also service around 5,500 people who work within walking distance of the station.”
The station will add to an upgrade at Hibiscus Coast Station and recently completed extension of the Albany Station park and ride. This is aimed at boosting capacity for the hugely popular bus routes on the North Shore and Hibiscus Coast.
The consent application was lodged with Auckland Council in September 2019. Construction of the station and local road work is expected to begin in 2022 as part of the Northern Corridor Improvements project.
The Northern Corridor Improvements project will provide a much needed transport upgrade for the whole Albany and North Harbour community. It includes a new motorway connection between SH1 and SH18 and will open up access to the Western Ring Route and travel to the airport. It will extend the Northern Busway to Albany and deliver over 7kms of walking and cycling paths and a wide range of local road and park connections.
For project information visit: www.at.govt.nz/projects-roadworks/rosedale-busway-station(external link) or www.nzta.govt.nz/nci or call the freephone number 0800 624 776.
An artist’s impression of the planned station to be built on the Northern Busway at Rosedale on the North Shore.
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