SH51 Clive resealing work overnight next week


A reminder there will be overnight closures next week on State Highway 51 at Clive for resealing work.

Crews will be onsite between 8pm and 5am each night, with work starting on Monday 13 January and finishing at 5am Saturday 18 January.

Outside the closure times, the road will be open, with a 30 km/h temporary speed limit in place.

During the work, southbound traffic will be detoured down Awatoto Road, into Meeanee Road and onto Hawke’s Bay Expressway. The reverse will apply for northbound traffic.

Access for residents within the closure points will remain open (please speak to crews onsite) and at times during the work, light vehicles will be able to detour down Farndon Road onto Pākōwhai Road.

The detour signs will show when this is possible, with updated messaging on the boards at the southern end.

This work is weather dependent. Please check NZTA Journey Planner for updates.

Journey Planner(external link)

It’s important this work is carried out during the drier, warmer weather. To allow the new seal to set properly and ensure its longevity, it is crucial that road users adhere to all temporary speed restrictions in place.       

NZTA thanks all road users and the local community for their support during this week of work.
