Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency crews are continuing work to make it safer for people wanting to cross SH88 from the Dunedin to Port Chalmers shared walking/cycling path to Burkes.
Lagoon reclamation has been underway enabling this work to get started soon. The path has been extended from where the previous access was, back to the Finch Street intersection with new edge barrier installed around the bay.
“Work crews will move back into the area in the coming months to complete these jobs,” says Jason Forbes, Senior Project Manager for Waka Kotahi.
“On-road upgrades include moving the highway’s city-bound lane toward the lagoon to create space for both a right turn bay into Finch Street and a pedestrian refuge (traffic island). This means people using the shared path only need to cross one highway lane at a time to reach Burkes and surrounding residential areas.”
Other minor tidy-up jobs in the area associated with the SH88 Dunedin to Port Chalmers Safety Improvements project will also be finished off at the same time.
Burkes, south of St Leonards, Otago Peninsula – reclamation of the Burkes Lagoon underway
New connection between Burkes and the existing shared path
June newsletter on the Dunedin to Port Chalmers safety improvements project [PDF, 3.4 MB]