Transport services get a licence to update…


When was the last time you updated your Transport Service Licence holder details?


The Transport Agency maintains a register of Transport Service Licence (TSL) holders, and it is important you keep us informed of any changes to your contact details so we can update the register.

From time to time we may need to contact you with important information, for example to provide your rating under the Operator Rating System (ORS). If you provide us with an email address you can also elect to receive certain information electronically such as ORS and roadside inspection report information.

Why not check we have the right info? To notify any changes or confirm the information held is correct, please contact us with your Transport Service Licence Number on 0800 822 422 or

If you would like to receive your ORS rating information electronically please advise us at – and quote your TSL number.

For more information on transport service licences check out our website(external link).

And to apply for a TSL click here(external link).
