Update: Upcoming night closures for SH2 Petone - final stages of resurfacing works


Final stages of resurfacing works.

Update 4 February:

Wellington drivers can expect further road closures during the night on State Highway 2 Petone from next week as resurfacing works are completed.

While initial resurfacing work is finished, further closures are needed to complete final stages to ensure the highway is safe and reliable for road users.

Road crews will be water cutting to prepare the road for high friction surfacing and laying a high friction surface (calcined bauxite).

Water cutting is planned for southbound lanes on Thursday 13 February between 10pm and 4:30am. The northbound lanes will be completed on Friday 14 February between 10pm and 4:30am. The road will be closed during this time.

Local road detours via Lower Hutt will be available. Drivers should plan ahead and allow extra time for their journeys.

The high friction surfacing work will be completed the following week (weather permitting)  to apply the last layer, calcined bauxite, to the road. This helps improve the grip on the road’s surface and will ensure it is as skid resistant as possible to reduce the risk of crashes.

These closures are planned for the northbound lanes on Wednesday 19 February and Thursday 20 February. The southbound lanes will be closed on Sunday 23 February, and Monday 24 February between 9pm and 4.30am, weather permitting.

Update 4 February:

Wellington drivers can expect further road closures during the night on State Highway 2 Petone from next week as resurfacing works are completed.

While initial resurfacing work is finished, further closures are needed to complete final stages to ensure the highway is safe and reliable for road users.

Road crews will be water cutting to prepare the road for high friction surfacing and laying a high friction surface (calcined bauxite).

Water cutting is planned for southbound lanes on Thursday, 13 February between 10 pm and 4:30 am. The northbound lanes will be completed on Friday, 14 February between 10 pm and 4:30 am. The road will be closed during this time.

Local road detours via Lower Hutt will be available. Drivers should plan ahead and allow extra time for their journeys.The high friction surfacing work will be completed the following week (weather permitting)  to apply the last layer, calcined bauxite, to the road. This helps improve the grip on the road’s surface and will ensure it is as skid resistant as possible to reduce the risk of crashes.

These closures are planned for the northbound lanes on Wednesday, 19 February and Thursday, 20 February. The southbound lanes will be closed on Sunday, 23 February, and Monday, 24 February between 9 pm and 4.30 am, weather permitting.


Update 23 January:

There has been a change to the traffic management for these works. A full night time closure of State Highway 2, for both north and southbound lanes is required for resurfacing works scheduled from this Sunday, 26 January.

The change is required to reduce the number of closures needed to undertake a number of activities and ensure drivers and road crews are kept safe while this work is completed.

Traffic management for work planned for Thursday night (23 January) is unchanged. It remains a full ramp closure of the Petone southbound on-ramp.

Revised Works Schedule and Detour Maps:

  • Thursday, 23 January
    • Petone southbound on-ramp will be closed
    • On-ramp will be closed to all traffic from 9 pm to 4:30 am. Southbound traffic will be down to one lane, with a temporary speed limit of 30 km/hr.
    • Local road detour available (below)
  • Sunday 26 January, Monday, 27 January, Tuesday, 28 January, and Wednesday, 29 January
    • Dowse Interchange to Petone will be closed in both directions between 9 pm and 4:30 am
    • On the Tuesday and Wednesday nights, a structure next to the Petone Overbridge will be removed.

15 January:

People travelling on SH2 through Petone, need to prepare for several night-time road closures next week, weather permitting. Detours will be available through Lower Hutt.

There will be five night closures between 9 pm and 4:30 am on Thursday (23 January), Sunday (26 January), Monday (27 January), Tuesday (28 January), and Wednesday (29 January).

They will affect north and southbound lanes, and the Petone Southbound onramp. The works schedule and detour maps are detailed below.

Roxanne Hilliard, Wellington Transport Alliance Manager, says it is a continuation of the State Highway 2 Hutt Valley resurfacing works that began last year.

“Crews will begin with resurfacing the highway in January and then will need to come back in mid-February to do further work on a relatively sharp bend near the Petone Overbridge.”

Ms Hilliard says that drivers often take this corner faster than the advised speed of 55 km/h, so it is important that the road surface is as skid resistant as possible to help prevent crashes.

“The high traction material being used must be applied several weeks after the January resurfacing works, which is why we need to come back again in February to complete the job.”

“A temporary speed limit of 50km/hr will be in place on SH2 Petone until late-February. Drivers are being asked to slow down while this work is in place. We appreciate everyone taking care while this important safety work is completed,” Ms Hilliard says.

Works schedule and detour maps

  • Thursday, 23 January
    • The Petone southbound onramp will be closed from 9 pm to 4:30 am. Drivers will need to use Dowse Interchange to travel southbound.
  • Sunday, 26 January
    • Petone to Dowse Interchange will be closed to northbound traffic between 9 pm and 4:30 am. Southbound traffic will be down to one lane, with a temporary speed limit of 30 km/hr.
    • Local road detour available (below)
  • Monday, 27 January, Tuesday, 28 January, and Wednesday, 29 January
    • Dowse Interchange to Petone will be closed to southbound traffic between 9 pm and 4:30 am. Northbound traffic will be down to one lane, with a temporary speed limit of 30 km/hr.
    • Local road detour available (below)
    • On the Tuesday and Wednesday nights, a structure next to the Petone Overbridge will be removed.
  • Mid-February
    • For two nights crews will be water cutting the road surface to remove any excess bitumen. This means that one night will be a northbound closure and the other night will be southbound.
    • Following the water cutting, calcined bauxite will be applied, taking up to four nights.
    • Updates on the timing of these work closures will be provided closer to the time.
