UPDATE: Wellington Urban Motorway resurfacing works – extra night of work planned


UPDATE 15 January: An extra night of resurfacing work has been scheduled on the Wellington Urban Motorway between the Aotea Quay onramp and the Ngauranga Interchange.

Weather permitting, the extra night of work will be carried out on Monday, 20 January with northbound lane closures in place between 9 pm and 4:30 am

This brings the total number of planned nights of work to four - Sunday, 12, Monday, 13, Thursday, 16, and Monday, 20 January.

Traffic management will be set up from 7 pm. Drivers can expect travel delays and should allow extra time for their journeys.

Update 9 January: Resurfacing Wellington’s urban motorway – from this Sunday night, 12 January

There will be further resurfacing works overnight on State Highway 1, Wellington Urban Motorway, from Sunday, 12 January.

One of the four lanes is being resurfaced over three nights which means the urban motorway will be open to one lane only for northbound traffic.  Southbound traffic will be able to travel as normal. See location on the map below.

These works will take place on Sunday 12th, Monday 13th and Thursday 16th January, weather permitting. Lane closures will be in place between 9pm – 4.30am. Traffic management will be set up from 7pm, so plan ahead for delays from this time, says NZTA and the Wellington Transport Alliance.

A temporary speed limit of 30km/h will be in place.

This work is a continuation of work from December, where the Wellington Transport Alliance re-surfaced the far-right northbound land. Further resurfacing and maintenance works will be carried out on the urban motorway in February, with more information to come.
