Twenty-four-hour, seven day a week access will be restored to all traffic at the site of a significant collapse on State Highway 35 near Motu River bridge this afternoon.
While South Island highways affected by snow and flooding earlier today have reopened, North Otago’s rivers are rising and very likely to cause highway closures overnight.
A reminder that temporary speed restrictions and occasional stop/go traffic management are in place on State Highway 1 (SH1) between Maroa Road and Tram Road, south of Ātiamuri.
Waka Kotahi, Hutt City Council and iwi mana whenua are marking more progress for two significant walking and cycling path projects in Te Whanganui-a-Tara.
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency is urging people to check the latest conditions before travelling through the Coromandel, with heavy rain, slips and flooding affecting the state highway network on the peninsula.
State Highway 35 near Motu River Bridge (between Ōpōtiki and Te Kaha) will open to local traffic from 6am until 7am each morning and from 5pm until 8pm each evening on weekdays this week.
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency is urging people to check the latest conditions before travelling in Marlborough, with heavy rain, slips and flooding affecting many roads.
Drivers are being asked, once again, to take extra care on the roads as the third bout of bad weather in as many weeks is forecast for the lower North and Upper South Islands.
The tireless efforts of contractors on the ground at the site of a major collapse on State Highway 35 near Motu River Bridge (between Ōpōtiki and Te Kaha), will see a temporary single lane track opened to traffic this evening.