The NZ Transport Agency says State Highway 25 at Whanagapoua Hill between Whitianga and the Coromandel is now fully open to two lanes after a slip on Saturday blocked the highway. The road was opened to a single lane Saturday afternoon and workers have been busy clearing the remaining material so the highway can be fully opened today.
An information day will be held this Friday 13 December 2013 to give the community and the wider public an opportunity to provide comment on the proposed plan to upgrade the current Highway 2 (SH2) and State Highway 25 (SH25) intersection, north of Mangatarata, to a roundabout.
As the school year ends and families prepare for their summer holidays, the NZ Transport Agency is urging drivers to support the Police/ACC safe summer speed enforcement campaign in Auckland and Northland.
The NZ Transport Agency says workers at Auckland’s Waterview Connection project raised almost $4000 for the victims of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines through an on-line auction featuring Alice, the project’s giant tunnel boring machine.
The NZ Transport Agency advises State Highway 6 through the Haast Pass will close at 5pm this Thursday (12 December) and not re-open until 10am on Friday (13 December).
A million dollar upgrade of the infamous intersection of State Highway 1 and Alabama Road – better known as Butter Factory Corner – has been completed in time to help people travel safely during the busy holiday season and beyond.
The NZ Transport Agency says State Highway 29 to Te Poi is fully open and SH25 at Whanagapoua Hill between Whitianga and the Coromandel is also open to one lane.
The NZ Transport Agency says State Highway 25 between Coromandel and Whitianga at Whanagapoua Hill is currently closed due to a slip which is blocking the highway.
The NZ Transport Agency and Police are reminding Canterbury’s rural property owners of their responsibility in ensuring their properties are adequately fenced to contain their livestock.
The NZ Transport Agency wishes to advise motorists that State Highway 2 at the Hewletts Road flyover is currently closed due to a crash, a detour is in place, but if possible please avoid the area and use an alternate route as delays are expected.
The NZ Transport Agency advises of the following closures for motorway improvements. Closures start at 9pm and finish at 5am, unless otherwise stated. Work delayed by bad weather will be completed at the next available date, prior to Friday, 13 December.
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