The NZ Transport Agency advises of the following closures for motorway improvements. Closures start at 9pm and finish at 5am, unless otherwise stated. Work delayed by bad weather will be completed at the next available date, prior to Friday, 18 October.
Christchurch's Southern Motorway, from Curletts Road to Springs Road, will be reduced to single-lane traffic in one direction at various times next week for the application of the second coat of chip seal.
Motorists in the Ashburton district are being warned that police will be ticketing drivers who flaunt the 20km/h legal speed limit - in both directions - when passing a school bus that is stopped for children to get on or off.
Motorists are being advised of further short delays and road closures on State Highway 73, from Springfield to Arthur's Pass, next week as stabilisation work is completed on Paddy's Bluff, near Cass.
The NZ Transport Agency advises resurfacing works will be undertaken along State Highway 2 Maunganui Road this Sunday night (13 October) and Monday night.
Motorists are being warned of possible delays along State Highway 1, from Belfast to Hornby, in the next few weeks with a number of road layout changes as part of the work building the four-lane Western Corridor.
Pyes Pa School and Pahoia School have joined the NZ Transport Agency’s rural schools road safety programme which identifies high risk rural schools on state highways.
Aucklanders have quickly snapped up the tickets available for their once-in-a-lifetime chance to see the huge machine that will bore the Waterview motorway tunnels.
A project to improve cyclist and pedestrian safety at the intersection of ANZAC Avenue and State highway 1 in Dunedin has now been finished, apart from some ground levelling work on the cycle lane.
The NZ Transport Agency says it has taken another significant step towards the completion of Auckland’s Western Ring Route by naming a preferred tenderer to upgrade the Te Atatu Interchange on State Highway 16 (Northwestern Motorway).
The Waikato Expressway, Road of National Significance, reached a major milestone with the NZ Transport Agency lodging last week applications for resource consents and alterations to the designation for the Hamilton Section.
The NZ Transport Agency advises road users extensive maintenance work is underway or planned at various locations on the state highway network in Northland.