Travel demand management

Waka Kotahi are working on the guidance for travel demand management activities to clarify the process for requesting funding and monitoring of travel demand management (TDM). 

Giving effect to ‘build back better’

Build back better is about ensuring we’re thinking long-term when it comes to decision making. We’ll be updating information in the planning and investment knowledge base (PIKB), business case development advice, our planning guidelines such as around AMPs, and our more technical manuals on guidelines and procedures.   

We do not see a need for special work categories but we are considering how to report against this measure. 

Provisional Indications

The release of the Provisional Indications for continuous programmes is now expected to be released next month, just after the release of the draft Government Policy Statement on land transport (GPS). 

Approved organisations are encouraged to continue their normal planning processes through their respective AMPs to enable robust discussions with investment advisors when funding ranges are released. 

Timelines for approved organisations to submit initial bids are currently planned for the end of August 2023 with final bids in December 2023.