The programme has been set up to ensure successful implementation of the ONF, aligning with the 2024–27 National Land Transport Programme (NLTP).

Find out how the ONF integrates with other frameworks and processes.

Speed Management Guide: Road to Zero edition

Waka Kotahi is required to provide each RCA with speed management information and guidance, and we provide this (in part) via the Speed Management Guide: Road to Zero edition (the Guide). The Guide was published on 29 July 2022.

The new Guide reflects the Road to Zero Strategy and Action Plan, the changes to the Rule and the introduction of the One Network Framework (replacing the One Network Road Classification).

Road to Zero - New Zealand’s Road Safety Strategy 2020–2030(external link)

The One Network Framework acknowledges the transport network reflects both ‘place’ and ‘movement’ functions. This means roads and streets are destinations for people, as well as transport corridors, and that our roads and streets have different functions for different modes – all of which have an impact on what is the safe and appropriate speed for the road.

Speed Management Guide: Road to Zero edition

Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits Rule 2022

The setting of Safe and Appropriate Speed Limits Framework uses the urban and rural ONF street categories, which closely align with Safe System principles.

Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits Rule 2022

National Land Transport Programme (NLTP)

The ONF is a key input into the development of Regional Land Transport Plans (RLTP) and the 2024/27 NLTP and beyond.

Ngā Kaupapa Huarahi o Aotearoa – National Land Transport Programme (NLTP)

Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP)

Regional land transport plans (RLTPs) are six-year plans that document the regions' land transport objectives, policies, and measures as well as providing a statement of transport priorities for the region. The plans incorporate programmes of regional land transport activities, including those activities proposed for inclusion in the National Land Transport Programme. They are reviewed after three years.

Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP)

Investment Decision Making Framework

InvestHub will contain ONF guidance and tools to provide contextual links for land transport practitioners who are preparing business cases and investment bids enabled by the NLTP.

Investment Decision Making Framework

Benefits management guidance

We are completing some work with the NLTP Development team to understand the interrelationship between the Benefits Framework and the use of ONF, findings will be available when this is completed.

Benefits management guidance

Activity Management Plans (AMPs)

Referencing the new ‘Movement and Place’ and ONF street categories helps to strengthen the story in Road Controlling Authorities (RCAs) AMPs, particularly to describe the aspirations they have in the medium-long term for corridors and surrounding integrated land use plans.

Activity Management Plans (AMPs)

Business case approach

The ONF provides a common language to clearly and effectively describe why investment needs to be made. It is an important foundational step in the process to help identify the challenges and outcomes of a transport network and will help RCAs inform and enhance their future business cases and investment bids.

Business case approach guidance

Aotearoa urban street planning and design guide

The guide seeks to provide a useful way to capture the connection between road safety, liveability, mode shift and applying movement and place through the One Network Framework.

Aotearoa urban street planning and design guide

The following webinar is designed to help the industry put the ONF and the Urban Street Guide into action:

One Network Framework and the Urban Street Guide webinar(external link) (video)

  • Movement and place
  • Understanding the ONF network function and the urban street guide street form
  • ONF and urban street categories
  • Putting the ONF and the Urban Street Guide into action

Future Network Planning Process

The Future Network Process works to bring together land use and transport strategies to outline the 10 to 15-year plan for regional networks.

Asset Management Data Standard (AMDS)

AMDS is tool with a common language that is being developed by Waka Kotahi and the sector to create a standard for infrastructure assets and will be used by all RCAs.

The ONF will enable classification of the transport network. Coupled with the approach of AMDS, this will allow for the consumption of the ONF data into the AMDS network model, to enable current and future analysis across the entire NZ transport network.

Asset Management Data Standard