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2019/20 RCA data quality results

This is a summary of all RCAs asset management data quality score and results achieving the expected standard. Only summary results for each RCA are included.

2018/19 National data quality results annual summary report

This report provides a summary of national RCA data quality as at the end of
the 2018/19 financial year.

2018/19 RCA data quality results

This is a summary of all RCAs ONRC and asset management data quality results achieving the expected standard. A summary of results for each RCA is included.

2017/18 RCA data quality results

This is a summary of all RCAs ONRC and asset management data quality results achieving the expected standard. Summary results for each RCA are included.

Practice overview – Data quality framework

This overview document is intended to provide high level support and direction to better understand the intent and purpose of the data quality framework developed by the Road Efficiency Group (REG).

Practice overview – Data quality dimensions

This overview document is supplementary to the Data quality framework overview document and is intended to provide a more detailed level of support and direction to better understand the three quality dimensions of accuracy, completeness and timeliness.

Practice overview – Understanding the data quality results

This overview document is supplementary to the Data quality framework overview document and is intended to provide a more detailed level of support and direction in reading and understanding the results of the annual data quality reports.

Data quality management guideline

This guideline is intended to provide a more detailed level of support and direction in the role and importance of data quality management and how to develop appropriate data processes and plans.

Asset management data quality report – score calculation

The asset management data quality report includes an overall ‘score’. The purpose of the score is to indicate the quality of available data in the asset system to support investment and decision-making processes, weighted by a level of importance.