State Highway 58 runs between SH2 in the Hutt Valley and the Transmission Gully Interchange in Pauatahanui. This Crown-funded project is a Road of Regional Significance and aims to improve safety and reliability of the route.
State Highway 58 is a regional route providing critical east-west access from State Highway 2 to State Highway 1 and is key to the region’s state highway network. Over 19,000 vehicles travel this highway daily. It is narrow and windy with many unprotected roadside hazards.
A safer speed limit of 80km/h was put in place in 2018 following public consultation, and construction of physical safety improvements has been progressing in stages, from east to west.
Safety improvements between State Highway 2 and Harris Road are complete. We are now working between Harris Road and Moonshine Road. Thank you for your patience and driving with care through the area while this work is being done.
The final stage of the project will be between Moonshine Road and the new Transmission Gully interchange. The improvements in this area will include:
Over 19,000 vehicles travel State Highway 58 (SH58) daily. Its 5-year crash history includes 10 serious or fatal crashes. These incidents also cause travel time reliability problems from crash related delays and closures of the road.
In recent years there have been rounds of consultation with the community and other stakeholders and this has led to the development of the work that is currently underway.
In 2018 the speed limit was changed from 100km/h to 80km/h. We also addressed some of the high-risk curves west of Mt Cecil Rd, by straightening them and installing a median barrier.
Funding was initially approved from the National Land Transport Fund for construction of Stage 1 (SH2 to Mount Cecil Road) safety improvements and design and consenting for Stage 2.
In January 2020, Crown funding was announced to complete the remainder of the construction work. The estimated up to $105 million Crown investment recognises the importance of SH58 in the continued growth of the Greater Wellington region and will significantly improve safety in the area.
CloseAt Flightys / Murphys Road there is currently a bus stop on each side of SH58. The new design has a dedicated bus bay off the road, alongside the new roundabout. This allows for up to three buses to park and transfer students between buses. The area, separated from the main road, means multiple children can transfer safely. Currently these transfers occur at the large bus stop area at Moonshine Road. Within the bus bay, there is space for up to 9-10 cars to park to drop off and collect students. New bus shelters will be installed.
At Moonshine Road the bus stops are currently all on the northern side of SH58. The new design has bus stops with bus shelters on both sides of SH58 on the approaches to the roundabout. There is also room for 3-4 cars to be parked on the eastern side of Moonshine Road. We are investigating an additional facility on the western side of Moonshine Road.
Indicative visualisation of the Moonshine Road roundabout
At both roundabouts there will be improved lighting, clear signage, and pedestrian refuges in the middle of the road to improve the safety of people crossing the road at these locations. There will be shared paths at the roundabouts and extending short distances along SH58. These paths provide an alternative off-road option for cyclists through the roundabouts, as well as a path for people walking to access the bus stops. Median barriers will be installed and there will be low level planting in the middle of the roundabout, so drivers can easily see across the roundabout.
Road safety barriers give you a second chance, so a simple mistake on the road doesn’t cost a life. Barriers stop your vehicle before it hits something harder – like a tree, a power pole or an oncoming vehicle.
Installing a median safety barrier means that some right turns will be removed and some of the roads that connect to SH58 will become left-in/left-out only.
While some people living and working along SH58 will have very little change to their access, others will have a few minutes added to their journeys.
Phases |
Indicative date |
Detailed design, lodge consent applications |
2017–2021 |
SH2, Haywards Interchange through to Mount Cecil Road, construction |
2019-2021 |
Mount Cecil Road to Harris Road construction |
2021–2023 |
Harris Road to east of Moonshine Road construction |
2023-2024 |
Moonshine Road to SH1 Transmission Gully interchange construction |
2024–2026 |
Project |
Cost |
Funding source |
Stage 1 (Haywards Interchange to Mount Cecil Road) |
$54 million |
Stage 2 (Mount Cecil Road to Transmission Gully Interchange) |
$105 million |
Crown funding |