Improving safety at this busy intersection will provide additional road capacity to meet the expected traffic growth generated by the continuing development of the Frankton Flats area.
We have a number of projects on the go please take a look at our project map to see if this may affect your journey.
This joint NZ Transport Agency and Queenstown Lakes District Council project will improve access to the Glenda Drive commercial area via the first section of the Eastern Access Road and a new local road.
The project will also improve safety at the busy State Highway 6 and Glenda Drive intersection. Traffic volumes will rise as construction activity associated with commercial and residential developments planned for the Frankton Flats area ramp up followed by the commercial and residential activities themselves.
Work on the Glenda Drive improvements project, with the Queenstown Airport runway in the background. This project will be largely completed by mid-December 2015.
Four-laning of the existing section of State Highway 6 between the proposed Eastern Access Road and the Grant Road roundabouts.
Eastern Access Road/State Highway 6 roundabout.
Downgrading of the existing state highway roundabout at Glenda Drive. This will provide only for left turning into Glenda Drive from the state highway.
Work is now underway on a new roundabout at the SH6/Glenda Drive intersection, to connect the future Eastern Access Road to the highway, and some commercial developments on the northern side of Queenstown Airport. The project is due for completion in October 2015.
A helicopter view of the Glenda Drive roundabout taking shape.
While two lanes of traffic will operate throughout this job, drivers should still allow for potential delays when making their travel plans. Regular users of this road may like to consider using alternative routes via Gorge Road to access Queenstown.
A 30km/h speed restriction is in place throughout the construction area, making it possible to build a temporary roundabout at the current Glenda Drive intersection. It will make right turns out of Glenda Drive safer and ease traffic congestion for all motorists using Glenda Drive.
If anyone has road works related issues or concerns around this project they can call 0800 626 099.