Introducing clearways, cycle and pedestrian footpaths, and a flush median to reduce congestion and queuing on Curletts Road between Main South Road and Blenheim Road, and on the surrounding streets.
Curletts Road (SH73) is an important link in the Christchurch and Canterbury transport network. Increased traffic numbers and changed traffic patterns since the earthquakes are putting too much pressure on Curletts Road and at peak times it has more traffic than it can accommodate, resulting in long queues at peak times. This project aims to reduce congestion and queuing.
The benefits of this project are:
Three main options were developed to address congestion and queuing on Curletts Road.
The community were asked for their suggestions and feedback on these options in mid-2013. The ideas and information we collected during the consultation were used to help us shape the final design for Curletts Road. We would like to thank all those who took the time to provide feedback – all your ideas and views are valuable to us.
The option chosen for Curletts Road includes:
This option most closely matches Option 2 from our August 2013 newsletter [PDF, 3.7 MB]. This was by far the most popular option for Curletts Road.
Temporary measures were put in place in 2011: an additional traffic lane (a tidal lane) was provided which changes direction depending on the time of day. It is controlled by manually shifting a line of cones twice a day. This solution has been acceptable in the short-term, but it is expensive and only partially effective at addressing the congestion on Curletts Road.