Partnership with Mana Whenua
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency recognises and respects Te Tiriti o Waitangi and works with Māori to build strong, meaningful and enduring relationships to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes.
Waka Kotahi is committed to working in partnership with Mana Whenua to deliver the Papakura ki Pukekura (Papakura to Bombay) project following the principles of Te Ara Kotahi, our strategy for partnering with Māori, which recognises and provides for cultural heritage, identity and Mātauranga Māori.
A collective Iwi and Waka Kotahi forum was established mid-2014, called the Southern Iwi Integration Group (SIIG), to discuss and consider matters of interest in relation to the development and delivery of various Waka Kotahi projects in South Auckland.
For the Papakura ki Pukekura project, Waka Kotahi is working in partnership with the following Mana Whenua, primarily through the SIIG:
- Ngaati Te Ata Waiohua
- Ngāti Tamaoho
- Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki
- Te Ākitai Waiohua
- Ngaati Whanaunga
- Ngāti Maru
- Te Ahiwaru Waiohua
- Ngāti Paoa Trust Board
- Ngāti Tamaterā Treaty Settlement Trust.
In undertaking this project, Waka Kotahi recognises ‘the relationships of Mana Whenua with the land and waterways of Aotearoa New Zealand and their unbroken, living connections across the land, waterways and time.’
Our relationship with Mana Whenua is the subject of this “Working in Partnership” video.