Project introduction

We’re improving the safety of State Highway 1 between Levin and Foxton by installing a new roundabout at the intersection with Waitārere Beach Road, stretches of painted wide centreline, roadside and median barriers, and new turnaround facilities.

  • Estimated project dates

    Jan 2024–Jun 2027
  • Estimated project cost

  • Project type

    Safety improvements

Project overview

We’re improving the safety of State Highway 1 (SH1) from Levin to Foxton while we work to deliver the new highway from Ōtaki to north of Levin.

Once the new highway is complete, these safety improvements will keep people safe while they transition to a different driving environment.

To help prevent deaths and serious injuries on this road, we’re installing a roundabout at the intersection with Waitārere Beach Road, stretches of painted wide centreline, roadside and median barrier, and new turnaround facilities.

  • Community engagement

    We know these types of safety improvements are new for the area and have engaged our iwi and hapū partners, local government partners, key stakeholders, and the local community to get feedback and insights and to address any concerns about the infrastructure improvements. A summary of the feedback we received can be downloaded through the link below.

    Engagement summary [PDF, 255 KB](external link)

  • Flexible median barriers save lives

    Flexible median barriers are a key part of this project.

    These barriers put a barrier between you and an oncoming car, truck or motorcycle. This means that if someone loses control or drifts across the centreline, the result isn’t a deadly head-on crash. We know median barriers down the centreline are very effective, because of the number of times they get hit.

    We also know that this stretch of SH1 is used by a wide variety of people including local farmers and residents, families transporting children to and from school, emergency and freight vehicles, as well as the thousands of other travellers that use this stretch of SH1 each year.

    We have designed the improvements, including the flexible median barrier, with the needs of these different groups of people in mind and with the goal of making sure that everyone who uses the road gets to their destination safely.

    More information on the flexible median barriers, including the different factors we considered in deciding where to put them, is available on our Safety infrastructure page.

    Safety infrastructure – SH1 Levin to Foxton


Video: How we're making State Highway 1 safer for everyone

We’re improving the safety of State Highway 1 (SH1) from Levin to Foxton while we work to deliver the new highway from Ōtaki to north of Levin. Once the new highway is complete, these safety improvements will keep people safe while they transition to a different driving environment. To help prevent deaths and serious injuries on this road, we’re installing a roundabout at the intersection with Waitārere Beach Road, stretches of painted wide centreline, roadside and median barrier, and new turnaround facilities.

Project update

The safety improvements will be constructed in four stages. These are:

  • Stage 1 – Foxton to the Manawatū River Bridge

    Flexible median barrier will be installed along this stretch with a turnaround facility constructed at the southern entrance to Foxton.

    Construction on Stage 1 of improvements began on 9 January 2024 and is mow complete.

  • Stage 2 – Manawatū River Bridge to the Koputaroa intersection

    Flexible median will be installed along this stretch with a gap at the entrance to Mitchpine Mill and turnaround facilities at Oturoa and Koputaroa roads. Sections of the road will be widened to make room for the median barrier. A small section of side barrier will also be installed on the southbound lane just south of the Oturoa Road intersection to prevent vehicles driving into a ditch.

    Construction on Stage 2 of improvements began on 26 February 2024 and is due to be completed by early 2025.

  • Stage 3 – Koputaroa Road to Kawiu Road

    A roundabout will be constructed at the Waitārere Beach Road intersection with small stretches of flexible median barrier installed at the northern and southern roundabout entries. A right turn bay will also be installed outside Poroutawhao School. Some side barrier will also be installed just north of the school.

  • Stage 4 – Kawiu Road to Levin

    The road will be widened to allow a wide centreline to be installed. Stretches of side barrier will be installed to prevent vehicles driving into roadside ditches.


Safety improvements map

Project Contacts

Ōtaki to north of Levin project team –
More contact info
  • Phone: 0508 625 4636
  • Alternatively you can write to us:
    Ōtaki to north of Levin Project Team
    Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency (Level 5)
    Private Bag 6995
    Wellington 6141