
Displaying 1 - 10 results of 27 for ""

Vehicle inspection requirements manual (VIRM): In-service certification

Category: Vehicle inspection requirements manual (VIRM) , Manuals | Audiences: Certifiers, Vehicle inspectors & inspecting organisations

This manual is written for vehicle inspectors and specifies the inspection processes and the requirements that vehicles must meet in order to pass a WoF.

Certificate of fitness checksheet specifications

Category: Vehicle inspection & certification , Guidance for specialists | Audiences: Certifiers, Vehicle inspectors & inspecting organisations

These are the specifications that certificate of fitness (CoF) checksheets must comply with before they can be approved by the NZ Transport Agency for use during CoF inspections.

Guidance for vehicle inspectors when inspecting vehicles for clearly visible smoke

Category: Vehicle inspection & certification , Guidance for specialists | Audiences: Certifiers, Vehicle inspectors & inspecting organisations

This document provides visual guidance to help warrant of fitness (WoF) and certificate of fitness (CoF) inspectors correctly pass and fail vehicles with smoky exhausts.

Application to become an approved course provider for class 6 CBTA

Category: Driver licensing , Forms | Audiences: Certifiers, General, Motorcyclists

In early 2014, the Transport Agency will introduce competency based training and assessment (CBTA) as an alternative option as an alternative option for progression within the existing graduated motorcycle licensing system.

Noise meter specifications

Category: Vehicles , Specifications | Audiences: Certifiers, Vehicle inspectors & inspecting organisations

These specifications must be met where a vehicle inspector chooses to use a noise meter to assess exhaust noise as part of the WoF inspection.