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Heritage specification for land transport infrastructure

Category: Landscape , Environment , Specifications | Audience: Roading contractors

This P45 specification gives effect to the NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) Huia Kaimanawa – Heritage Policy for Land Transport Infrastructure, which sets out how we will manage, protect and conserve heritage.

Urban design specification

Category: Landscape , Environment , Specifications | Audience: Roading contractors

The urban design specification is a model specification to be used on Capital Projects eg Design and Construct, Alliance.

Sustainability rating scheme application during tender and delivery of capital works projects

Category: Landscape , Environment , Specifications | Audience: Roading contractors

This P49 specification outlines the requirements for implementation of the Waka Kotahi Sustainability Rating Scheme Policy.

Environmental, social and cultural management during construction

Category: Landscape , Environment , Specifications | Audience: Roading contractors

This P47 specification covers the minimum environmental, social and cultural management requirements for state highway improvement projects (capital works).

Standard specification for highway landscape treatments

Category: Landscape , Environment , Specifications | Audience: Roading contractors

This standard specification for highway landscape treatments sets out the minimum standards for all highway landscape projects.