Displaying 1 - 7 results of 7 for ""
Published: August 2013
Safety management systems
| Audience:
Road controlling authorities
The guide has been developed to assist road controlling authorities in targeting intersection safety improvements to the highest risk intersections, and providing a nationally consistent application of proven countermeasures.
Published: November 2021
Safety management systems
| Audiences:
Road controlling authorities,
Road traffic engineers & consultants,
Roading contractors
The Road to Zero Speed and Infrastructure Programme Design Framework has been introduced for use on all current and future corridors and sites that form part of Road to Zero Speed and Infrastructure Programme.
Published: 13 September 2021
Safety management systems
| Audiences:
Road controlling authorities,
Road traffic engineers & consultants,
Roading contractors
The Standard Safety Intervention toolkit provides guidance for road safety practitioners on the effectiveness and value-for-money cost range of proven safety interventions to reduce the number of people killed and seriously injured on Aotearoa roads.
Published: September 2011
Safety management systems
| Audience:
Road traffic engineers & consultants
The High-risk rural road guide was developed to assist road controlling authorities in targeting road safety improvements on the highest risk sections of New Zealand’s rural roads (those with a posted speed limit of 80km/h or more) by using best valu…
Published: March 2007
Safety management systems
| Audience:
Road traffic engineers & consultants
The NZ Transport Agency has established a state highway safety management system to provide and operate a safe highway system.
Published: March 2016
Safety management systems
| Audiences:
Road controlling authorities,
Road traffic engineers & consultants,
Roading contractors
State highway safe network management activity manual The manual is an umbrella document that references the Network Outcomes Contract, the Transport Agency's safety team deliverables and references policies, standards, guidelines, specification…
Published: November 2005
Safety management systems
| Audience:
Road controlling authorities
A manual for the development and implementation of a safety management system by a road controlling authority.