
Displaying 1 - 7 results of 7 for ""

Heritage specification for land transport infrastructure

Category: Landscape , Environment , Specifications | Audience: Roading contractors

This P45 specification gives effect to the NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) Huia Kaimanawa – Heritage Policy for Land Transport Infrastructure, which sets out how we will manage, protect and conserve heritage.

P40 Specification for road-traffic noise mitigation

Category: Noise , Environment , Specifications | Audience: Road traffic engineers & consultants

This specification covers design, construction, documentation, post-construction review, and communication/engagement related to road-traffic noise mitigation.

Urban design specification

Category: Landscape , Environment , Specifications | Audience: Roading contractors

The urban design specification is a model specification to be used on Capital Projects eg Design and Construct, Alliance.

Specification for resource efficiency policy for infrastructure delivery

Category: Environment , Specifications | Audience: General

This P48 specification outlines the requirements for implementation of the Resource Efficiency Policy for Infrastructure Delivery and Maintenance during the design and delivery of Waka Kotahi infrastructure improvement projects.

Sustainability rating scheme application during tender and delivery of capital works projects

Category: Landscape , Environment , Specifications | Audience: Roading contractors

This P49 specification outlines the requirements for implementation of the Waka Kotahi Sustainability Rating Scheme Policy.

Environmental, social and cultural management during construction

Category: Landscape , Environment , Specifications | Audience: Roading contractors

This P47 specification covers the minimum environmental, social and cultural management requirements for state highway improvement projects (capital works).

Standard specification for highway landscape treatments

Category: Landscape , Environment , Specifications | Audience: Roading contractors

This standard specification for highway landscape treatments sets out the minimum standards for all highway landscape projects.