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Research Report 149 Estimation of a public transport trip matrix

Published: | Category: Transport demand management , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

It is difficult to obtain reasonably accurate information on the demand for public transport (PT) in New Zealand cities. Estimates of the PT demand are used to evaluate PT projects, changes to PT services, and changes to PT policy. Better estimates of PT demand will benefit PT users, transport modellers and planners, the road users, tax- and rate-payers, and the New Zealand economy in general.

The research objective of this project, which was carried out in 1998, was to develop and test a robust methodology for estimating a public transport trip matrix based on the efficient use of a range of existing and accessible public transport information. An algorithm that was derived for this purpose, using the EMME/2 modelling package, is described. The algorithm was tested using the Wellington Regional Council (WRC) transport model and its data for the Wellington Region, New Zealand, from which conclusions and topics for further work were obtained.

Keywords: bus, matrix, New Zealand, public transport, transport, trips, rail, Wellington

Publication details

  • Author:
  • Published: 1999
  • Reference: 149