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Research Report 035 Spatial information systems: stages 1 and 2

Published: | Category: Activity management , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

Spatial Information Systems (SIS) have been developed to a stage (in 1994) where they are of significant value as a management tool to organisations that administer geographically distributed assets, such as roads.

This study reports on the possible opportunities provided by SIS for improving efficiency and effectiveness of Transit New Zealand's management of New Zealand's state highway network, and for better facilitation of its existing systems, such as Road Assessment and Maintenance Management (RAMM).

Stage 1 undertaken in 1992 investigated the applicability of, and identified, SIS appropriate for Transit New Zealand's perceived needs. Three concepts of SIS were identified, evaluated and are described.

Stage 2 undertaken in 1993–94 clarified how Transit New Zealand may benefit by applying SIS to management of the state highway asset. A study team visited two transportation authorities in Australia (Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales, and Roads Corporation of Victoria in Melbourne) that use SIS, and have similarities in their functions with those of Transit New Zealand. The approaches and the concepts applied by these Australian Authorities to SIS are described and comparisons drawn with Transit New Zealand.

The greatest potential for applying these systems within Transit New Zealand lies in the areas of:

  • strategic planning
  • road use analysis
  • state highway asset management.

Keywords: Databases, geographic information systems, information systems, information technology, New Zealand, roads, RTA, spatial analysis, spatial information systems, state highways, VIC ROADS

Publication details

  • Author:
  • Published: 1994
  • Reference: 35