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Roadside vendors in the state highway corridor

Published: | Category: Environment & resource planning , State highways , Manuals , Leaflets & brochures | Audience: General

This guide outlines the process and requirements for applications for roadside vendors and the operation of mobile shops within the state highway corridor in accordance with the Bylaw Regulating Roadside Vendors on State Highways 1993/2.

Transit New Zealand (Roadside Vendors) Bylaw 1993/2 [PDF, 109 KB]

‘Roadside vendors’ are persons offering goods or services for sale or distribution by means of a mobile shop. ‘Mobile shop’ means any motor vehicle and/or connected trailer capable of moving under its own power from the area of operation.

This guide forms part of the Planning Policy Manual (PPM) which provides a hub for operational transport and land use planning guidance to assist Waka Kotahi staff and external stakeholders to navigate through relevant planning processes.

Planning policy manual – for integrated planning & development of state highways

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