
Displaying 721 - 725 results of 725 for ""

Research Report 688 A pathway towards understanding Māori aspirations for land transport in Aotearoa New Zealand

Category: Inclusive access , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

Previous research has indicated gaps in transport access for Māori (and Pacific people) which need to be further specified and closed to ensure equity of outcomes and proper recognition of the treaty partnership between Māori, Waka Kotahi and the wid…

Research Report 685 Consumer awareness, understanding, and use of advanced driver-assistance systems currently available in vehicles on New Zealand roads

Category: Healthy and safe people , Research programme , Research & reports

This research was commissioned to clarify New Zealand drivers understanding and perceptions of Level 0 to 2 Advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) and of the correct and safe use of Level 0 to 2 ADAS functions.

Research Report 103 Use of rumble strips as warning devices on New Zealand roads

Category: Safety, security and public health , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

A review of the international literature was undertaken in 1994 to identify the types of rumble strip available, situations where and how they are used, their effectiveness in reducing accidents and modifying driver behaviour, their adverse effects s…

Research notes

Category: About the research programme , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

Through its Research Programme, NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) invests in innovative and relevant research which plays a critical role in contributing to the government's goals for transport.