
Displaying 71 - 80 results of 93 for ""

Highways and Network Operations management system manual

Category: State highway operations , Manuals | Audience: General

The Highways and Network Operations (HNO) management system manual is a high-level manual that provides focus to and links our various procedures and processes into the system to deliver a quality service.

Highway surface drainage: a design guide for highways with a positive collection

Category: Geometric design , Manuals | Audiences: Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

A design guide for highways with a positive collection system which was developed by the Roading Division of Ministry of Works.

High-risk rural roads guide

Category: Manuals , Safety management systems | Audience: Road traffic engineers & consultants

The High-risk rural road guide was developed to assist road controlling authorities in targeting road safety improvements on the highest risk sections of New Zealand’s rural roads (those with a posted speed limit of 80km/h or more) by using best valu…

NZ Transport Agency guide to road tunnels

Category: Structures (bridges & culverts) , Manuals | Audience: Road controlling authorities

This NZ Transport Agency guide to road tunnels is a supplement to the Austroads Guide to road tunnels.

Maintenance guidelines for local roads 2012

Category: Manuals | Audience: Road controlling authorities

The Maintenance guidelines for local roads is the reference document guiding acceptable maintenance levels for local roads.

Learning systems for driving instructors

Category: Driver training & assessment , Manuals | Audiences: Course providers, Driving instructors

The purpose of this publication is to provide a recognised industry standard in the delivery of driving instruction in New Zealand by approved driving instructors and in house company trainers.

Chipsealing in New Zealand

Category: Pavement design , Manuals | Audiences: Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

Chipsealing in New Zealand is a distillation of information from at least 80 years experience in New Zealand, compiled by chipsealing experts from throughout New Zealand.

Cost sharing: apportioning costs for state highway improvements required to mitigate land development effects

Category: Environment & resource planning , State highways , Land developers , Guidance for specialists , Manuals | Audience: Land developers

This guide sets out Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency's operational approach to apportioning costs for state highway upgrade works required to mitigate the effects of third-party development and the use of cost sharing agreements for land developm…

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency consent compliance management platform (CS-VUE)

Category: Environment & resource planning , Manuals | Audiences: Road controlling authorities, Road traffic engineers & consultants

Our Environmental and Social Responsibility Policy makes a commitment to protecting and enhancing the environment as well as avoiding adverse effects during the planning, construction, maintenance and operation of the state highway network.

Code of conduct – the way we work here

Category: Administration , Manuals | Audience: General

The Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency Code of conduct defines what Waka Kotahi expects of its operations and people.