
Displaying 21 - 30 results of 62 for ""

Rural schools safety programme

Category: Safe driving , Leaflets & brochures | Audience: General

The speed of traffic past rural schools is a high concern to many rural communities due to the conflict of the school drop-off and pick-up activities mixed with the high speed of through traffic.

Guide to the on-road safety test

Category: Older drivers , Safe driving , Leaflets & brochures | Audiences: Communities, Medical practitioners, Motorists

This guide is for older drivers who have been referred for an on-road safety test by their doctor.

Model communities information sheet

Category: Leaflets & brochures | Audience: General

Model communities are urban environments where walking or cycling is offered to the community as the easiest transport choice.

Contract management review (CMR) update

Category: Leaflets & brochures | Audience: General

This is a bi-annual update on the NZ Transport Agency's contract management and lessons learnt review programme.

New motorhomes: Information for importers, traders and private purchasers

Category: Leaflets & brochures | Audiences: General, Importers, Motorists, Vehicle traders

This publication contains helpful information on the requirements for registering a new motorhome for use on New Zealand roads.

Untangling wire rope barriers

Category: Leaflets & brochures | Audience: Motorcyclists

What happens when a motorcyclist makes contact with a wire rope barrier?

Child restraint technician's manual

Category: Child restraints , Safe driving , Leaflets & brochures | Audience: Course providers

This manual covers the legal requirements surrounding child restraints within New Zealand and provides best practice recommendations for the safe travel of children in vehicles.

Before you modify your vehicle

Category: Vehicle choices , Leaflets & brochures | Audience: Motorists

What you need to know when you modify your vehicle, and how to get it certified.

Driver licence test guides

Category: Road codes , Leaflets & brochures | Audiences: General, Motorists

These guides provide detailed information about the Class 1 (car) driver licence tests.

Road rules refresher for seniors

Category: Leaflets & brochures | Audiences: Advice and assistance, Communities, General

In May we’ll stop making our current suite of senior driver brochures available.