Canterbury Accelerated Pavement Testing Indoor Facility (CAPTIF) carries out accelerated road pavement testing.

Engineers can specify the pavement design, environmental conditions and vehicle configuration. Data is collected on the loading, functional, environmental and structural condition of the pavement via a variety of external and in situ sensors.

Examples of testing that can be undertaken include:

  • pavement materials and construction techniques
  • comparative testing of different heavy vehicle suspensions, loads and tyres
  • pavement/vehicle interaction
  • pavement environmental conditions.

Pavement testing is carried out indoors, in a controlled environment that eliminates weather factors that can otherwise confound the results obtained. Where required, additional environmental factors can be added to tests in a controlled manner.

Fully computerised data acquisition systems, both in the pavement and on the vehicles, ensure complete data sets for the duration of the tests.

CAPTIF presents a unique opportunity in which pavement and vehicle engineers are able to work together, thereby aiding in the interpretation of the results.

Figure 1. Elevation of pavement tank and simulated loading and vehicle emulator (SLAVE)

Elevation of pavement tank and SLAVE

Figure 2. Elevation of a SLAVE vehicle

Elevation of a SLAVE vehicle