Our general privacy protections apply to how we use safety cameras. However, we’ve prepared a privacy impact assessment (PIA) to make sure we have suitable privacy protections in place.
Before we introduce new types of safety cameras, we’ll work through which extra privacy protections are needed.
Protecting personal information is very important to NZTA. As part of our safety camera work, we’re looking into using new technology that collects and uses personal data.
We’re responsible for:
We’re working with the Office of the Privacy Commissioner and will update our PIA at every stage, including where we test or introduce new types of safety cameras or functionalities.
These assessments also outline in which situations we might have to share information (for example, when the law says the NZ Police can access certain data).
Privacy impact assessment: Safety cameras [PDF, 1.4 MB]
We’ll continue to communicate with independent privacy advocates, to keep improving how we understand the effects of safety camera technology on privacy.