Displaying 11 - 20 results of 100 for "standards and guidelines"
Outlines Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency’s register of network standards and guidelines and Register Process Manual.
Waka Kotahi maintains a Register of network standards and guidelines and an accompanying register process manual, which govern the planning, construction, operation and maintenance of networks and services.
NZTA publishes an annual forward work programme providing visibility of standards and guidelines we are currently working on, or plan to begin working on, in the next year. This includes standards being developed, reviewed, revised, consulted on and archived.
NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi maintains a Register of network standards and guidelines and an accompanying register process manual, which govern the planning, construction, operation and maintenance of networks and services.
Discusses the standards, construction, maintenance and funding of sub-divisional roads
NZTA’s Standards and Guidelines Catalogue encompasses a wide range of operational policy, guidelines and specifications. Read more about the framework, definitions and hierarchy of the different types of standards, the relationship of our standards to wider directional policy and strategies, and how to use the catalogue.
The processes pages contain specific guidelines and tools for the project lifecycle.
Contract proformas, technical standards, minimum requirements, guidelines and forms.
Discusses the funding eligibility and standards required of sub-divisional roads.
The investment management activity class covers transport planning, sector research and management of the funding allocation system activities.