Authorisation list

Listed in the spreadsheet link below are all the companies and individuals who have been granted authorised access to the Motor Vehicle Register (MVR) under section 241(1) of the Land Transport Act 1998. This includes those on standard terms and non-standard terms and is updated fortnightly.

Companies and individuals who have been granted authorised access [XLSX, 167 KB]

Non-standard terms approved entities

Listed below are the companies and individuals who have been granted authorised access to the Motor Vehicle Register (MVR) under section 241(1) of the Land Transport Act 1998 outside of the standard terms and conditions.

Click on the name of each to view their full terms and conditions. These companies or individuals have been granted or have had their access renewed from 1 February 2021. 

For more information:
Frequently asked questions on accessing the Motor Vehicle Register

Approved organisations

A1 Onehunga Towing Services Limited [PDF, 694 KB]

Absolute Towing Limited [PDF, 96 KB]

Accelerate DMS [PDF, 115 KB]

AIM CRI Limited [PDF, 613 KB]

Atlas Enforcement Services Limited [PDF, 103 KB]

Auror Limited [PDF, 684 KB]

Auto Recovery (SI) Limited [PDF, 96 KB]

Avon Towing and Salvage Ltd [PDF, 95 KB]

Bartle Group Limited [PDF, 697 KB]

BDO Auckland Limited [PDF, 139 KB]

BDO Tauranga Limited [PDF, 122 KB]

Canary Organisation Limited [PDF, 102 KB]

Care Park NZ Limited [PDF, 760 KB]

Carjam Online Limited [PDF, 647 KB]

Carpark Compliance Management Limited [PDF, 93 KB]

Central Park NZ Limited [PDF, 243 KB]

Centrix Group Limited [PDF, 760 KB]

Checka Limited [PDF, 724 KB]

Colwall Property Investment Limited T/A Atrium Carpark [PDF, 93 KB]

Consumer Credit Management Limited [PDF, 625 KB]

CP Administration Limited [PDF, 419 KB]

Desktop Management Limited [PDF, 612 KB]

Desktop Trace Limited [PDF, 114 KB]

Destination Westland Limited T/A Hokitika Airport [PDF, 93 KB]

Digimotive Limited trading as Autocheck [PDF, 663 KB]

Drivesure Limited [PDF, 636 KB]

Elite Parking Services Limited [PDF, 181 KB]

Equifax New Zealand information Services and Solutions Limited [PDF, 709 KB]

First Rescue Limited [PDF, 578 KB]

Getapark Limited trading as Enforcify [PDF, 108 KB]

Gravity Credit Management Limited [PDF, 102 KB]

Imperium IQ Limited T/A Enforce IQ [PDF, 93 KB]

Indepth Forsenic Limited [PDF, 121 KB]

InfoAgent Limited [PDF, 857 KB]

Information Logistics Company Limited [PDF, 778 KB]

Javelin Limited [PDF, 731 KB]

Kiwirail Holdings Limited [PDF, 621 KB]

Lemoncheck Limited [PDF, 549 KB]

Limelight Financial Services Limited [PDF, 823 KB]

LPR Enforcement Services Limited T/A Stellar [PDF, 93 KB]

Massey University [PDF, 93 KB]

Motor Industry Association (MIA) - interim [PDF, 90 KB]

Motor Industry Association (MIA) - final [PDF, 89 KB]

Motorcentral Technologies Limited [PDF, 104 KB]

National Automotive Industry Technology Association (NAITA) [PDF, 306 KB]

New Zealand Enforcement Services Limited [PDF, 644 KB]

New Zealand Institute of Private Investigators Incorporated (NZIPI) [PDF, 120 KB]

Parks Garage Limited [PDF, 96 KB]

Port Marlborough New Zealand Limited [PDF, 93 KB]

Premium Parking Limited [PDF, 773 KB]

PricewaterhouseCoopers New Zealand [PDF, 111 KB]

Rondine Mumby of GR Security [PDF, 684 KB]

RPM Towing Limited [PDF, 95 KB]

SDT 2023 Limited T/A Southern Districts Towing [PDF, 105 KB]

Secure Collections & Investigations Limited [PDF, 648 KB]

Secure Parking NZ Limited [PDF, 93 KB]

Southern Districts Towing Limited [PDF, 95 KB]

Supreme Towing Limited [PDF, 96 KB]

Te Toi Mahana Trust [PDF, 105 KB]

Tournament Group Limited [PDF, 103 KB]

Towing and Recovery Limited [PDF, 96 KB]

Trade Towage Limited [PDF, 95 KB]

Trademe Ltd T/A Motorweb [PDF, 706 KB]

Trisan Holdings T/A Imperium IQ [PDF, 317 KB]

Truck Towing Company (NZ) Limited T/A Rowe Motors [PDF, 444 KB]

Verifi Identity Services Limited [PDF, 91 KB]

Watercare Services Limited [PDF, 93 KB]