Public areas and walking facilities should be safe to use at all times of day and for people to feel safe to spend time in.
Safety for pedestrians includes a number of aspects:
Safety from vehicles |
Safety from hazards on the footpath |
Safety from other people |
Safety from other users |
To learn more about the Safe System approach and NZ’s road safety strategy
PNG: A Safe System for walking
For information on pedestrian safety from vehicles:
PNG: A Safe System for walking
Safe system aligned measures for pedestrians either separate pedestrians from motor vehicles or ensure impact speeds in the case of a collision are no greater than 30km/h.
Pedestrians walking or jogging on footpaths, stepping off kerbs and crossing roadways can fall, slip trip or stumble. For further information on this issue:
PNG: Falls – slips, trips and stumbles
Personal security issues can be a major barrier to walking and creating walkable communities, especially during hours of darkness, in town centres, through underpasses, and on paths through parks, reserves or car parks.
Real and perceived risks of crime and anti-social behaviour can be deterrents to walking.
People who are concerned about perceived dangers, may modify their travel behaviour by not going out alone after dark or avoiding certain areas or routes. Parents, because of perceived danger, may also modify their children’s behaviour by not allowing them to walk without adult supervision.
Personal security issues can also create a barrier to accessing public transport services on foot.
![]() I am visually impaired and often rely on strangers to assist me when out in public. I don't go out at night often as I don't feel safe. I want to be more independent and be able to meet friends for dinner. |
Personal security issues should be considered in three general areas:
Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) provides a framework for incorporating crime prevention within quality urban design by focusing on reducing the opportunity to commit crime, therefore lessening the motivation to offend.
Applying the practices in this guide will address pedestrians’ personal security. Additional advice can be found in the National guidelines for crime prevention through environmental design in New Zealand[1] which identifies seven qualities of safer places. These qualities are:
Guidance on CPTED Audits is available from the Ministry of Justice website:
People on faster moving devices such as bicycles and electric scooters on paths can affect the safety and comfort for other pedestrians. This is an important consideration in environments such as shared paths and shared spaces, or streets where a lack of appropriate facilities for people using micromobility and bicycles results in them using a footpath or a narrow shared path which then has a negative impact on slower moving pedestrians.
It is important to consider the typical speeds and physical space requirements of different users.
[1] Ministry for the Environment. (2005). National Guidelines for Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design(external link)