
Displaying 611 - 616 results of 616 for ""

Manual of traffic signs and markings (MOTSAM) - Part 1: traffic signs

Category: Signs & markings (permanent & temporary) , Manuals | Audience: Road traffic engineers & consultants

Waka Kotahi plan to archive the Manual of Traffic Signs and Road Marking (MOTSAM) after the publication of the Traffic Control Devices Manual Part 4 in early 2024.

State highway database operation manual (SM050)

Category: Asset management , Manuals | Audiences: Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

A documented framework of operational procedures and activities to ensure the consistency and good management of Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency's state highway database.

Road safety barrier systems

Category: Barriers , Maintenance , Specifications | Audiences: Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

This specification covers the requirements for road safety barrier systems used on state highways.

Prequalified contractors

Category: Project & contract management , Manuals | Audiences: Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

This document outlines Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency's list of prequalified contractors, their levels and categories.

Fish passage guidance for state highways

Category: Planning, design, funding, building, maintenance of the transport network , Guidance for specialists | Audience: Road traffic engineers & consultants

State highways have the potential to cross waterways, meaning the correct design and installation of culverts is essential for the purpose of fish passage.