LCLR public transport infrastructure improvements

Waka Kotahi is looking to introduce a new low-cost low-risk public transport infrastructure improvements programme on state highways in the 2024-27 National Land Transport Programme.

The amount of funding for the programme is not yet known but it is expected to be limited. It will enable us to better align state highway public transport infrastructure improvements with the Public Transport Design Guidance.

With more than 800 public transport stops on state highways, including bus stops and train stations, this programme will help us better understand the demand for improvements across the network during 2024-27.

We’re in the process of developing a longlist of potential projects, seeking input from public transport authorities, councils and internally.

Projects that can be considered for the programme include new or improved infrastructure listed in the WC 532: Low-cost low-risk public transport improvements. This work category includes public transport facilities. 

The programme will not include:

  • public transport services, which are the responsibility of public transport authorities
  • digital infrastructure, or
  • maintenance of public transport infrastructure (maintenance of assets is as per the Waka Kotahi Highway Maintenance Interface Management Guide.)

When submitting potential projects, please use this template to help with prioritisation.

We would also appreciate you providing the priority for projects in your district or region to help with our decision-making.

For development of the initial programme, we’re asking for potential projects to be submitted by close of business on Friday, 28 July 2023.