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3. Methodology

3.1 Sample selection

A sample of 31 RCAs was chosen for inclusion in the surveys. This included 28 territorial local authorities and three regional offices of Transit New Zealand. The sample was weighted towards authorities not included in the LTSA's surveys the previous year.

Appendix 1 lists the 31 RCAs included in the surveys. The list also shows the number of pedestrian platforms and the number surveyed in each RCA.

Seven (23%) of the 31 RCAs surveyed had no pedestrian platforms. The three regional offices of Transit New Zealand were included in the 7 and the installation of pedestrian platforms is discouraged on state highways. Except where noted otherwise these 7 RCAs have been excluded in the presentation of the results of the surveys.

3.2 Interview surveys

Interview surveys were conducted with representatives in each authority. Survey forms were sent in advance to allow time to research answers if necessary. Questions centred on the standards and guidelines used for installing pedestrian platforms and also on obtaining information on the number and types of pedestrian platforms installed.

The Pedestrian Platform Questionnaire is attached as Appendix 2.

3.3 Field surveys

Up to 10 randomly selected pedestrian platforms were surveyed for each RCA. Staff from the RCA was invited to take part. The purpose of the field surveys was to evaluate the extent of compliance with Traffic Note 2 and to gather data on the features of pedestrian platforms as constructed.

A copy of the Pedestrian Platform Survey Form is in Appendix 2.