Contractors will be back at the site of a Tasman slip tomorrow (Wednesday 14 June) to make further safety improvements.
Spooners Saddle slip repairs, May 2023.
The Spooners Saddle slip, between Belgrove and Kohatu, was worked on last month with contractors removing debris and benching the cliff face to cut the risk of further rock and debris falls.
Between Wednesday and Friday, from 7am to 6pm, contractors will repair and replace sections of a catch fence damaged and removed following the original slip.
The catch fence is an additional safety measure and helps prevent rocks from falling onto the road.
To allow contractors a safe working area, the highway through the slip site will be reduced to one lane and under stop/go traffic management.
There will also be brief closures of up to 15 minutes to allow the work crews to clear rocks and debris from the road.
It means drivers will experience short delays when travelling through the works site. Road users should factor this into their travel plans.
Waka Kotahi wants to thank drivers for their patience and understanding while these repairs are done. It is essential maintenance work needed to protect the highway and make it safer for road users.