Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency has five nights of road repair work starting this weekend between Cooptown/Puaha Road and Barry’s Bay, SH75
This is the middle, hilly, 13 km section of the Akaroa highway.
The highway will be closed from 8 pm to 5 am the next day, Sunday night, 21 November to Thursday night, 25 November.
Residents along the route have received notices and know to contact the contractor southernlink@downer.co.nz if they need urgent access in or out.
Emergency vehicles will be accommodated throughout these five nights of closure, says Waka Kotahi Journey Manager Tresca Forrester.
“By closing the highway, we can have more than one crew along the route repairing surfaces, replacing signs, fixing road shoulders and drainage, before the peak summer season. It will be much safer for the work crews and more efficient for people who rely upon this route to get it done in this concentrated way.”
The 13 km stretch of highway being repaired and upgraded ahead of the summer break
Waka Kotahi thanks all road users for their patience while it is underway.
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