Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, with input from WorkSafe, construction and maintenance suppliers and the road safety sector, has published new best practice guidance to improve safety at work sites – a key challenge facing our transport system.
For the third consecutive year, Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency has published the findings of a comprehensive survey into New Zealanders’ attitudes toward road safety issues and behaviours, and how these are trending over time.
An interim agreement between Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, KiwiRail and three large contracting firms is an important step towards recovery of the transport network in the East Coast, signalling the commitment to getting it right.
New Zealand’s road safety partners are urging people to not accept that death and serious injury is the price to pay for using our roads, and are encouraging everyone to put safety first on the roads this Easter.
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency says a recently completed review of the bitumen supply chain has provided reassurances that the import market is operating well, and that this is expected to continue after majority importer Z Energy exits the market later this year.