
Displaying 881 - 890 results of 932 for ""

NZ Transport Agency Statement of performance expectations 2019/20

Category: Statements of performance expectations , Corporate publications | Audience: General

This statement of performance expectations sets out how we will measure the financial and non-financial performance of the activities we deliver and invest in over 2019/20, and provides forecast financial statements.

NZ Transport Agency Statement of intent 2018–2022

Category: Statements of intent , Corporate publications | Audience: General

This statement of intent responds to recent changes in our operating environment, including the release of the Government Policy Statement on Land Transport 2018/19–2027/28 and a new outcomes framework for the transport sector.

Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Dimensions and Mass 2016 (Bicycle Racks on Urban Buses) Class Exemption Notice 2022

Category: Vehicle dimensions and mass , Class exemptions | Audience: General

This temporary class exemption notice applies to any public transport service bus of class MD3, MD4, or ME fitted with a front-mounted bicycle rack.

Research Report 103 Use of rumble strips as warning devices on New Zealand roads

Category: Safety, security and public health , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

A review of the international literature was undertaken in 1994 to identify the types of rumble strip available, situations where and how they are used, their effectiveness in reducing accidents and modifying driver behaviour, their adverse effects s…

Additions to the National Vehicle Fleet

Category: Nationwide statistics , Statistics & surveys | Audience: General

Information on first-time registrations each month, including by vehicle type, import status, fuel type, cc rating and vehicle year.

Land Transport Rule: Door Retention Systems 2001

Category: Door retention systems , Land transport rules | Audience: General

This rule covers the design, construction and maintenance of door retention systems used by passengers and drivers for entrance and exit.

Land Transport (Driver Licensing) Rule 1999: Latitude Data Breach – Easier Replacement of Compromised Driver Licence Class Exemption Notice 2023 No. 2

Category: Vehicle standards compliance , Class exemptions | Audience: General

A temporary class exemption applies to any holder of a current photo driver licence who has been advised by Latitude Financial Services (or a subsidiary) that an image of, or details from, that photo driver licence retained by Latitude (or a subsidia…

NZ Transport Agency Statement of performance expectations 2014/18

Category: Statements of performance expectations , Corporate publications | Audience: General

This Statement of performance expectations sets out our non-financial performance expectations the next four years that will contribute to the delivery of the NZ Transport Agency Statement of intent.