Waka Kotahi is required to provide each road controlling authority with speed management information and guidance for their network. This is provided via Speed management guide: Road to Zero edition and the geospatial MegaMaps tool.
The second Road to Zero edition of MegaMaps calculates a safe and appropriate speed for every road in New Zealand by applying the criteria set out in the Speed Management Framework in the Speed management guide: Road to Zero edition. The safe and appropriate speed (SAAS) is based on several inputs including speed limit ranges for each of the new One Network Framework (ONF) street categories and the infrastructure risk rating (IRR). MegaMaps defaults to the lowest safe speed limit in the ONF range unless other criteria for higher speed limits are satisfied, which typically relate to the provision of Safe System infrastructure.
The safe speed limit ranges associated with the ONF street categories and descriptions of the categories are summarised in the Speed Management Guide section 2.3.
MegaMaps identifies high benefit locations for speed management interventions to assist road controlling authorities focus their speed management efforts in the short-medium term. The high benefit locations comprise:
There's also a host of supporting information that can be accessed to provide road controlling authorities with the information to help them develop speed management plans.
MegaMaps: Road to Zero edition*(external link)
*Before opening MegaMaps: Road to Zero edition 2 for the first time we recommend you clear the cache in your internet browser.
One Network Framework street categories
Links to the eLearning and the MegaMaps user and interpretation guide are below:
Speed management: frequently asked questions – December 2022 [PDF, 854 KB]
If you require access to MegaMaps, apply for a logon by emailing service@nzta.govt.nz
If you need help using MegaMaps, contact our service desk service@nzta.govt.nz